Toffee Commissions

You have to read the terms and conditions. If you purchase a commission it's implied that you already read the Terms and conditions and you agree to them.

♦ Full Color ♦

One CharacterExtra Characters
Headshot $25Headshot $15
HalfBody $40HalfBody $35
FullBody $60FullBody $45

Background prices depending on commission type:

Simple BackgroundComplex Background
Headshot $8Headshot $15
HalfBody $15HalfBody $30
FullBody $30FullBody $40

Complex Background starting at $80 (Only the background)

♦ Emotes & Chibis♦

One CharacterExtra Character
Icon/ Emote $20Icon/ Emote $15
Fullbody $25Fullbody $20

Toffee Commissions

You have to read the terms and conditions. If you purchase a commission it's implied that you already read the Terms and conditions and you agree to them.

TypePrice per pet
Toon Fullcolor$18
Semirealistic portrait$25
Semirealistic Fullbody$30
HumanExtra pet
Headshot $25$13
HalfBody $35$13
FullBody $50$13

Toffee Commissions

You have to read the terms and conditions. If you purchase a commission it's implied that you already read the Terms and conditions and you agree to them.

♦ Terms and Conditions ♦

I DrawI Don't Draw
NSFW ( extra price)Minors NSFW (loli, shota)
Yuri, YaoiHate Speech
OC's & FanartExtreme Fetish (you can ask)

Not reading them does NOT exempt you from them.

General T&C
♦ Prices are in USD.
♦ Credits must be visible in twitter posts (an Art: @/EnToffee is ok). For use as a streaming asset credits must be done by a command or in any other way that don't interrupt your usual streams, a !credits or something similar works, or as part of a Twitch Pannel.
♦ Do not claim as your own (don't claim you made it).
NO REFUNDS once I start working on the proyect there's no refunds, although if it is a two payments proyect, it can be cancelled and I'll deliver you the product at the stage it is, without working in the next step and without charging the next payment. (Example: If you purchase a two payment illustration and cancel at the sketch, I'll deliver the sketch and not ask for the second payment, but there'll be no refund)
♦ Prices might increas depending on the complexity of the commission.
♦ Payments are through paypal, lower than $100 the payment is forward before I start working on the commission, from $100 payment can be split in two parts, half forward and half after I show you the sketch (doesn't apply to sketch commissions).
♦ All the artwork is for personal use only and not for profit, you can use it wherever you want as long as you give credits and don't profit from it. (Examples of profit: merchandise. You can use it for advertisment and as stream assets.
Comercial use can be purchased for an extra cost.
Time to complete the work will depend on the complexity, I'll give you an estimate after you get in touch with me. It goes from 1 to 3 months.
♦ Each work except the sketch commissions include 3 corrections per step (example, 3 corrections at sketch,3 at color). any extra change has an extra cost.
♦ File will be delivered through a Google Drive link that might expire in a month after delivery, let me know if you need a specific format.

** Art Only T&C**
♦ Prices might change depending on the design's complexity (might increase or decrease, I will let you know)
♦ For Art Only models (No rig) payment for art is in 2 parts, half forward, and half after I deliver the final illustration before separating all the layers.
♦ Time to delivery goes from 1 to 3 months depending on how complex.
♦ Delivery time might increase depending on the changes/corrections asked by the client and/or the reply time of the client after updates.
♦ Only Art ready to rig Final product includes .psd file in layers ready to import to live2d and animate.
♦ Rigging commissions final product includes the files needed to run the model in tracking software including textures, moc, motions and textures.
♦ Art Model commissions include a monochromatic sketch with 3 changes you can ask for, then a colored illustration in which you can again as for up to 3 changes. After the illustration is approved, I'll start separating the layers.
♦ For corrections, once one step has been set as good, changes can't be drastic. (Example, if the design was already approved after the sketches, once in the rendering/coloring phase, changes can't be about the design (outfit), or they'll have extra charge).
♦ All screenshots and phases of the process might have a watermark, the final product won't have one.
♦ File will be delivered in a google drive link for downloading and will be available for a month after delivery, after that time I might delete the Google Drive Folder.
** Art + Rig T&C:**
♦ Payment for Rig Only are 100%forward
♦ For Art + Rig models (No rig) payment for art is in 2 parts, half forward, and half after I deliver the final illustration in .psd before starting the rigging process.
♦ Live2D models are optimized to work on VtubeStudio and PrPrLive, those are the softwares I use and recommend. If you need it optimized for any other software please let me know.
♦ There will be multiple revisions during the process, I'll deliver the sketches and test color illustrations in the Google Drive folder. You'll hace up to a month to download the files before I might delete the files from the Cloud.
There's no time limit for you to let me know of any rigging problem, at any time you can let me know the issue and I'll correct it with no cost as long as is a rigging problem by me.
♦ Extra movement of animations can be purchased later (like going from a Tier 2 to Tier3) paying the price difference from the current one to the new one (taking into consideration the prices I'm using at the time the changes are being asked for).

**It's allowed: **
♦ To use the illustrations as stream assets (Example: Banners, screens, schedules, streamloot cards, etc.
♦ To use the illustrations as advertisment (Example: Twits, collab banners, youtube miniatures, etc.)
Utilizar como imagen promocional
♦ Aply filters to it / mild post-edition
♦ To use the art in memes.
♦ To change the background or place on top of another image.
It's NOT allowed:
♦ Modify the product or paint over it.
♦ Commission someone else to modify any of the pictures or products I send you, including sketches.
♦ Take part of the proccess, cancel the order, and commission someone else to finish it.
♦ Use the product in merchandising (Example: Redbubble, Print on demand sites, Prints, Stickers, Mugs, etc.) Commersial use can be purchased separatedly.
♦ Resell or Give Away without my consent, if for any reason you wish to resell or give away the product let me know first.

Toffee Commissions

You have to read the terms and conditions. If you purchase a commission it's implied that you already read the Terms and conditions and you agree to them.

TierComplexity of the rig, explained in the following video.
Rig Only:You have to handle me the .psd fully separated on layers ready to rig.
Art included:Set of Art + Rig, you havea to handle me your character reference.
Art Only:Ready to Rig illustration, .psd, does not include animation/rig.
Simple Expression:Toggle Expressions, not fully animated, they turn on and off.
Animated Expression:With movement, example; hands waving, drawing hand, tears falling, etc.

Arte + RigTier1Tier2Tier3
Rig Only$100$250$300
Art Included / Headshot$150$300N/A
Art Included / Half Body$250$350$450
Art Included/ Full Body$370$550$600
Chibi Art included/ Fullbody$30$60 

Prices might vary depending on complexity and layers to animate. Accessories that change a lot from frontal view to side view (like headphones, might have an extra charge).

Type of animationPrice
Simple Expression$20
Animated expression$50
Simple Pet$40
Complex Pet$60

To be able to do the extra expressions, your .psd has to include all necessary art for it. If you purchase the art from me, please let me know beforehand if you want any added asset or expression. If its art from someone else please be sure to ask them for the extra animation.

✦ Prices depend on the design complexity.
✦ This is for the Art only, it doesn't include animation. You'll receive the .psd ready to rig(illustration separated in layers).
✦ Commercial use has an extra price, Independent Vtubers might be exempt from this price, discussed by private.
✦ Final product is a .psd file separated properly ready to be imported to Live2D to be animated.
✦ By purchasing this product you can convert it into an Art + rig bundle paying the price difference. Can be discussed on private.

Commission typePrice
Chibi Fullbody$50
Extra expression$15
Complex Expression$50+
Simple Pet$30

Simple Expression: Example: sad, angry, yandere. Toggle expressions.
Complex expressions: Example: NEON shiny props, waving arms, tears falling, etc.
Simple Pet: Floating pets with simple animation, like wings moving, blinking, etc.

If you don't already have a character, and need a character/outfit design. It includes:
Fullbody- 3 first sketches, you can pick your favorite and ask for up to 3 changes. Colored sketch, you can ask up to 3 changes.

Sketch, Front:$60 The final product is a colored sketch.
Sketch, both sides:$80 Final product is a colored sketch standing from the front and back of the character.
Hoja de referencia:$170 Front Fullbody, Back, and 3 expressions, full color.

Toffee Commissions

You have to read the terms and conditions. If you purchase a commission it's implied that you already read the Terms and conditions and you agree to them.

How to make your purchase:► 1 - Send me a private message on twitter saying what type of commission you want, be as specific as you can.

✦ Commission Type: (Example: Live2D model, Art + Rig)
✦ Will you allow me to stream the process while I'm working on it? (If no, I'll keep it secret until a month after I deliver)
✦ Attach reference pictures, if you already have your design attach a reference sheet.
✦ If you will commission a character desing, send me a detailed description and references to give me an idea (I won't make exact copies of copyright outfits).

► 2 - I'll tell you the total price, always in USD. Depending on the type of commission and pricing, the payment might be forward or if it's more than $100 split in two, half forward and half halfway.► 3- Once I confirm the price, tell me your PayPal email so I can send you the invoice. (I only accepet Paypal at the moment)► 4- I will send you the invoce either be for the total price or half the price.
- The invoice will include the amount paid and if the payment is split in two.
- The invoice will include the Terms and Conditions to protect both the client and the artist.
- The invoice will expire if not paid within a week.
► 4- Once the invoice is paid I'll start working on the commission.► 5- I will be sending you screenshots of the progress when they are available, they might or might not have watermark. Once the final product is done it will be delivered through a Google Drive folder, you will have a month to download the files, after that I might delete it. (If for any reason you lose the files you can ask me, I will usually safe them in a hard drive, if the drive is safe I'll still have it)

Toffee Commissions

You have to read the terms and conditions. If you purchase a commission it's implied that you already read the Terms and conditions and you agree to them.


Links: Twitter itzMrsFortunate

Mark Kotatsu

Links: Twitter KotatsuMark


Links: Twitter PanxiVt

Jen Ishihara

Links: Linktree Jenihara

Annie Get Your Gun

Links: Twitch, Twitter


Ilustración + Rig -> Toffee Vt

Links: Twitch, Twitter


Design + Illustration + Rig -> Toffee Vt

Links: Facebook , Twitter


Only Rig -> Toffee Vt

Social Media: Cronup blog , Twitch

Toffee Commissions

You have to read the terms and conditions. If you purchase a commission it's implied that you already read the Terms and conditions and you agree to them.

**Animated illustrations and Alerts ! **

If you want something different than what is listed here, send me a DM through Twitter @EnToffee
All prices listed here are are for art + animation.
Final product will be delivered in .gif and .mp4, let me know if you need a specific size or format.

Animated illustrations include simple movements like eyes, hair, ears, arms, etc.
For more complex animation includding extra characters, backgrounds, movements, etc. ask by DM (example my Fox video)

** Animated illustration **

TypeStatic BackgroundAnimated Background
Half Body$150$200
**Alert / Chibi **$90 
** Emote **$80